Introduction. The Society means Budetu Farmers Marketing Cooperative Society  Limited. It is a voluntary charitable nonprofit making, grassroots development oriented and duly registered non-governmental, organization operating in the Republic of Uganda at country wide scale, the organization has its head office on the Republic Street in Mbale Town. 

ORIGINS OF The Society.The organization was initiated by the indigenous / local community of Mbale Uganda at Nkokonjeru Cell, North Central ward, Northern Division in Mbale Municipality. It was begun as a community based organization by only 21 young men and women with three elders in 2007. It became recognized at the District level and became registered with Mbale District local government in 2011 and further became registered with the National NGO Board Ministry of Internal Affairs on the 29th of June, 2011 for the first instance. The Society meets the National Statutory requirements with her certificates valid and operational to date. Currently, the organization has over 239 members and over 400 beneficiaries in Bugisu sub-region. It has by October 2015 been operating 12 Districts of Uganda with a total of 1124 Farmers in Bududa, Bulambuli, Manafwa, Mukono, Sironko, Bududa, Bukedea, Butaleja, Mbale.

Vision: Skilled Wealthier, Sustainable and Self-Reliant Communities in a Healthier Greener Environment. 

Mission Statement: Support Local Rural Poorer Communities Generate Wealth and Manage Resources on Sustainable Basis. 

Values: Learning and practicing, Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability, Sharing, friendliness

Strategies: Awareness Raising, Skills Training, Capacity building and Technical Assistance, Fundraising and Financial Control Support supervision, Performance Monitoring Evaluation and Report Writing


  1. The main objectives of Budetu Farmers Marketing Co-Operative Society Limited are

  2. Agricultural Modernization and Marketing. The society Stimulates and Encourages Commercial Methods of Agricultural Production and Expert advise in Farm Productivity Production and Value Chain and Value Productivity. Increase and improve, diversify the quality member Crops and Animal Production and Sustainability Land Utilisation. Value Addition and Storage to Sustain Market Forces. Avail Crop Finance for farmers to access Financial Development Services and also mobilize famers saving for finance reliability and Sustainability.

  3. Natural Resources and Climate Management: Integrate, Diversify Farm Production Intensifying Agro-Ecological Farm Enhancement Practices. Promote adaptation and Mitigation measures for Climate Change Management. Soil and Water Conservation. Procure 200 Mt. Elgon level devices and distribute to 100 men and women and acquaint them with tools to utilize the devices for effective soil and water conservation, supply Calliandra seeds and seedling and plant along the contour hedges

  4. Biodiversity Conservation. Environment management and natural resources sustainability but also utilize the Natural Resources for Social Economic Transformation. Agro-bio-diversity, Horticulture, Viticulture, Apiculture, Floriculture, Market Gardening, Terestriality or Integrated Animal Conservation and Production.

  5.  Hand Crafts and Skills Development. Value Addition on raw materials and tools for business. Product development of Natural Resources and community inducement and inculcation in utilizing the Environment.

  6.  Dairy and Poultry Production: Promoting Dairy Production to all farm holds utilize and practice organic farming methodology upscale productivity production for improved and transformation livelihoods  

  7. Tree Nursery Equipment and Management: Tree Nursery Equipment as potting paper, watering tanks, empty jerry cans, wheel barrows, knapsack pumps, variety drugs, pangas, spades, machetes, green nets, hand hoes and transportation, utilization and management. Remuneration of tree nursery casual Labourers, professional staff, record management and procurement maintenance of bicycles. 

Other objectives are 

  • Field Surveys Research And Marketing 

  • Gender And Youth Mainstreaming 

  • Human Rights Based Approach 


The Society has an Autonomous Administration in which the governance is composed of:


Is the supreme and ultimate decision making body of the organization. It is composed of 134 women, 124 men with a total of 258 voluntary members who are also the direct beneficiaries of the organization, the General Assembly appoint boards of Trustees who serves under good behaviour. By April 2015 The Society had a total of 764 farmers benefiting from the modernized Agricultural Programmes existing Groups 

It also elects the Board of Directors, a gender sensitive organ of the organization as a policy making and operational organ. The General Assembly seats once a year in form of Annual General meeting to approve policies it also seats once in 3 years to elect and revolve members of the board of directors. The Assembly determines the membership fees and the site of the secretariat. The first general assembly was held after three years in October 2015 in which a new Board of Directors was put in place as thus;

Names of Board of Directors The Society 2015-2108






Mundeyi Davies 



Industrial Division Mbale Municipality 

Rev. Yefusa Mayende 

Vice Chairperson 


Bushiende Mbale 

Wasyeba Patrick 

Hon. Secretary 


Buwasyeba Bulambuli 

Nambafu Samuel 

Hon. Treasurer 


Buwasyeba Bulambuli

Mrs. Washirekho Irene Grace 

Board Member 


Bungokho Mbale 

Ms Kituyi Rhoda Milka 

Board Member


Busamaga Mbale

Bunoti Christopher 

Board Member 


Mukhubu Mbale 







Wakimwai Benedictus Anthony 

Chief Executive Officer 


Butandiga Mbale 

Rhoda Kituyi  

Ovc/Programme Coordinator


Mukhubu Mbale 




Nauyo Mbale

Bwayo Isaac Noel  

Agriculture Officer  



Bunoti Yusufu Nicholus

ICT/ Information Manager  


Mooni Mbale 

Musukuya Robert  

Natural Resource Officer 


Busukuya Manafwa 

Nandutu Deborah Jennifer  

Education And Skills 



Wataka James 

HIV/AIDs Control 


Busoba Mbale 

Maiki Robert 

Primary Health Control 


Namatala Mbale 


Human Rights Based Approach 


Nauyo Mbale 


This is the policy making and operational organ of the organization, it is a gender sensitive organ elected by the General Assembly to serve a three year terms of office. 

It seats at least four times a year. It appoints and dismisses professional staff with approval of the general assembly. 

It appoints and gives terms of reference to technical committees. Members of the board of directors do not get salary. 


This is the basic eye of the organization. The organization is engaged in various Research programmes. The period in focus has seen The Society being contracted to carry out a member of field Research and Survey programmes as thus;

  1. Survey of CBOs and NGOs in Bugisu Region. A directory of CBOs and NGOs in Bugisu Region Operating in Natural Resources and Environment Programme was a product of The Society contracted by the then District Environment Officer . George Paul Musamali Buyera. Funding was provided by IUCN under Sean white the then District Environment Technical planning Advisor for IUCN. 

  2. A Survey of the conflict with Mt Elgon National park in the Districts of Bududa, Manafwa and Mbale by Makerere university facility of Environment and Natural Resources under professors; Dr. Kabogooza Fred, Dr. Gombya and Successfully covered

  3. Carried out a field survey of impact Mt Elgon National Park on the surrounding by Makerere University in 2001 in the current 8 Districts of Mt Elgon Region 

  4. UNDP/WWF Field survey on ALIMs performance in 26 villages in Bushinyekwa Bududa  District on Agro Forestry Activities in 2013/2014 

  5. UNDP/GEF/SGP Field Survey in Bulambuli on Hunger, Poverty and Environmental Degradation forces in the District in October 2014 

  6. USAID/SAFE Field Survey of Bunangaka and Bukhanakwa regarding Justices and injustices both at court and local levels in April 2015.


Is the head quarter of the organization of head by the Chief Executive Officer. Four line program officers, the program coordinator, and the Title Chief Executive constitute the current staff of the organization. The staff is appointed on competitive basis with gender consideration. 

The secretariat has only one computer future and equipment 

DUTIES OF The Society SECRETARIAT: It is a centralized secretariat with its national head office, field office  in Bulambuli and all are functional. The main duties of The Society secretariat include; 

  1. Development of work plans and work plan reviews. 

  2. Implementation of day today activities or work plan activities as planned. 

  3. Motivation and remuneration of staff. 

  4. Report writing with approval by the Board of Directors on periodical basis as agreed with in the constitution at The Society. 

  5. Participate in fundraising strategies together with the elected Board of Directors and registered Board of Trustees. 

  6. Carryout networking and coordinating strategies with the various development actions. 

  7. Draft /identify films that can improve on project policies and engage them on behalf of the organization. 

  8. Develop data bank and share it with stake holders. 

  9. Publish ICT materials and popularize The Society. 


Members of The Society shall be the indigenous community and fully time residents in the area of jurisdiction who must be always approved by local council governments as LCI, LCII and LCIII must be good law abiding citizens of Uganda and shall be approved by their local leaders before becoming a beneficiary or a member. Before becoming a member, one shall be tried upon conditions of beneficiary ship and once qualifies, will join the General Assembly to set up the amount of chargement to new members. The age limit of membership ranges between 18 years to 69 years as opposed to beneficiary ship that has no age limit. Active political leaders cannot qualify for membership with The Society unless one raisings from active politics. Management: The Society since inception in 2008 has had visionary leadership with a democratically elected governance in place. The management of The Society is very competitive as far as job prescriptions are Concerned, where jobs are advertised and quality staff is recruited through open and competitive means where need arises, government extension are hired for programs stand


  1. Land and premises. The Society is privileged to have had its own land and premises at Bunamoni village, Bumasokho parish, Nabbongo sub-county, Sipi trading centre in Bwikhonge sub county of Bulambuli District in the Republic of Uganda. 

The The Society field office is situated along Moroto road in Bunamoni village as stated above. The administrative block is established in permanent materials, four roomed building, operational and functional. 

  1. The head office in Mbale is rental and is for operational convenience that its located at the centre the town at plot 56/60. Dc Block, Nkokonjeru cell, North central ward, Northern Division, Mbale Municipality, Mbale District Republic of Uganda. 

  2. Staffing; The Society has five full time staff, 3 males and 2 females that occupy the secretariat in Mbale. These are professional s of the different disciplines thus, Administrations, Accountancy, environment, Forestry, Natural Resources, agro-culture, business administration and computing and cooperative marketing. 

  3. The chief Executive officer is the top most ranking officer at The Society secretary and is in-charge of the secretariat. He is the central planning officer at the implementation level. 

  4. The The Society secretariat is blessed with a computer set, office furniture, 2 motor cycles and 3 laptops the office has running power and other utilities such as water. 

  5. Legal status; The Society is a truly registered non-government organization, duly in cooperated with valid operational permits. The Society has also registered with district local governments i.e. Mbale and Bulambuli and to sub counties such as Nabbongo, certificates attached. 

  6. Competence – The Society is a very competent organization that takes part in trade shows and exhibitions of which performance is strong. Attached are certificates of competencies. 

  7. Project policies. The Society has various project policies that measure to the dimensions of quality. Chief among which include 

  • HIV/AIDS policy

  • Beneficiaries memorandum of understanding 

  • The education policy 

  • Assets management manual 

  • Finance management manual 

  • Human resources operational manual 

  • Project evaluation and monitoring management manual 

  • Procurement manual and procedures. 

  • Establishment of The Society home at Bunamoni village, Bumasokho Parish, Nabongo Sub-county Bulambuli District in 2015 now operation. 

  • Acquisition of 3 plots on expansionary basis to establish and expand other projects. 

  • Formation of The Society Farmers marketing cooperative society limited to carryout variety marketing business of the farmers. 

  • Establishment of a total of 586 local farm woodlots across Bududa, Mbale, Bulambuli Districts at household levels as beneficiaries. 

Publications and popularization 

  • Timely production of T-shirts and distribution and sharing will the membership and public has not only popularized the project but has increased awareness not only for membership but also the public. 

  • Stickers, posters, ordinary calendar, brochures, fliers, leaflets and handouts in form of pamphlets are not for purposes of only training or adherence but also for awareness rising, promotion of activities and sharing. 

  • Timely audited annual reports and quarterly financial statements produced periodical in accordance with development partners’ requirements and also in accordance with the Government of Uganda NGO accountability Etiquettes and ethics. 

  • The Annual General Reports are promptly produced to meet standard requirements of NGO operations in Uganda. 

  • Minutes of the General Assembly and Board of Directors are also periodically and promptly made ready immediately actions are over. 

  • Radio Talk shows on O.P.G, Step F.M and Top radio and U.B.C are also periodically organized and run in different local languages and English.

  • The New vision, Bukedde and Daily monitor are the popular Newspapers that The Society is working with hand in hand to produce monthly articles for others to learn about. 

  • Currently, political leaders at sub-county levels mobilizing local farmers to utilize the farm inputs provided by The Society especially piggery, Arabica coffee, agro-forestry tree seedling in their gardens in diversifying and modernizing  their gardens to generate, food, revenue and cash employment. 



  • Tree Nursery Bed Management. At the moment, The Society has tree nursery sites as follows;-

  1. Butandiga Nursery site with a large variety of tree seedlings totaling to 125,000 seedlings open for commercial purposes. 

  2. Zesui Tree Nursery Site with a large variety of tree seedlings totaling to about 120,000 seedlings also for commercial purposes. 

  3. Sipi Tree Nursery Site at Bubulo village, Bumasokho in Nabbongo sub-county with a capacity of about 25,000 variety tree seedlings established for commercial purpose. 

  4. Three new other sites in plan include; Lwangasa in Wanale Sub County and Busoba in Mbale District and the third site at Namitsa Bukikai in Bubutu in Manafwa District. 

  5. Contour management; about 20km contour hedgerows were made in Bulugere village in the period under review 2012/2013. 

  6. Over 100,000 Calliandra seedlings were planted by local farmers under The Society support in Bulugere village in the period under review 2012/2013. 

  7. Variety fruit trees, a large number of fruit tree seedlings was issued to local peasant farmers in Bulugere in the period under review 2012/2013 and are now being harvested. 

  8. Arabica coffee growing, 15,000 Arabica coffee seedlings were supplied to farmers in Bulugere that are now producing fruits as a source of income to farmers. 

  9. Over 45,000 Variety Agro-Forestry seedlings were supplied to farmers in Bulugere to operate agro-forestry practices to mitigate climate change. 

  10. Mt. Elgon level devices for soil conservation purposes over 100 devices were procured and supplied to over 120 project beneficiaries to utilize to control soil erosion. 

  11. Environmental Education, 115 men and women in Bulugere participated environment education practices that included formal and non-formal causes. 


A grant secured from UNDP/WWF worthy USA $2,500 was managed by same Board of Directors under the names of Abundant Love Integrated Ministries in Bushinyekwa Parish Bududa sub-county Bududa District in 2013/2014. 

  • Contour hedgerows; 27kms of contour hedges were dug and are still functional in Bushinyekwa by 127 local farmers at their homesteads. 

  • 67,000 variety tree seedlings including Arabica coffee, guavas, Grevilia robusta, Albezia Contour hedgerows; 27kms of contour hedges were dug and are still functional in Bushinyekwa by 127 local farmers at their homesteads. 

  • 67,000 variety tree seedlings including Arabica coffee, guavas, Grevilia robusta, Albezia Musizi Misopsis, Calliandra species of seedlings were procured and distributed to local farmers. 

  • Environmental Awareness raising. 87 men and women underwent a practical awareness and environmental awareness and skills development campaign to manage Natural Resources on sustainable basis. 


Uganda coffee development Authority entered in an agreement with Mr. Wakimwai Benedictus Anthony Chairperson Budetu Farmers Marketing Cooperative Society  Limited to produce 250,000 Arabic coffee tree hardened seedlings for supplies to local farmers @ ushs. 300 = totals to ushs. 75,000,000/= for 2013/2014. UCDA supplies seed to capacity of 100kgs of coffee. UCDA is in full agreement till 2019. 


 Running in the period 2014/2016 being implemented in Bulambuli District. 


The major activities conducted in the period under review include; 


  • Soil and water conservation in Nabbongo sub county 

Nabbongo Sub County lies in a stretch of high gradient at the upper downhill into the flood plains and is majorly drained by rivers Nabukimbi, Nabbongo, Yembe and Sipi. 


  • Environmental Awareness Raising. A total of 215 men and women was mobilized and participated in a two days non residential environmental awareness raising workshop at Bunamoni training site, the current field headquarters in Bulambuli District for the month of January, 2015 running on 5th and 6th

  • Procurement and distribution of Mt. Elgon levels. A total of 200 pieces of Mt. Elgon level devices was procured and distributed to 200 farmers in Bulambuli in January, 2015 to carryout soil and water conservation activities in the District. 

  • Contour hedge row making. A total of 55 men and women in practicing contour hedge row farming while others claim that since it is dry season it is very hard to dig-up the hedges. The average household contour line making is 150m thus totals to 8250m of contour by 25th January, 2015. 

  • Calliandra hedges. 200 farmers received quarter kilogram of Calliandra seeds to plan on the hedges and keep watering throughout the dry season so that the seedlings were strong enough in the upcoming rain season to control soil erosion. 

  • Trash hedges. Using the agricultural farm waste and bush/thicket cleared during the land clearance for farming are meant to be used as objects for soil and water conservation especially in plain areas. 

  • Mulching, crop cover, alley cropping, belt cropping, manure and Trash bunding and to other simple irrigation methods were other techniques introduced in the practical lessons. 

Activity B 

  • TREE NURSERY BED MANAGEMENT. There are three sites namely. 

  • Bubulo Tree Nursery site at Bubulo village Bumasokho Parish, Nabbongo sub county, Bulambuli District. It has a large stock and variety of tree seedlings and species situated along Moroto Road on River Sipi. 

  • Zesui Tree Nursery Site 

  • Butandiga Tree Nursery Site.


  •  Procurement and utilization of potting materials. About 550kg of potting paper material was procured and distributed to three centres for potting a large variety of seedlings over the dry season. 

  • Procurement of tree Nursery Equipment. Several varieties of nursery equipment was acquired that include;

1 Wheel barrow, 2 rakes, assorted drugs, 1 hand pump, 2 spades, 4 hand hoe, 20 farm nets, jerricans, some 250ft moulding timber among others, varieties of tree seeds as Arabica coffee, Calliandra, paw paws, mahogany and several others. 

  • Training farmers on seed technology and tree nursery bed 

  • 35 men and women attained practical skills in seed collection, management and tree nursery establishment as a business in Nabbongo and Bwikhonge sub counties in Bulambuli district. 

  • 11 men and women were trained in tree nursery management as both community trainers, supervisors and role models in Nabbongo and Bwikhonge sub counties. 

  • Woodlots and plantation management. A total of 155 men and women attained practical skills in tree planting, woodlot establishment and plantation farming on commercial scale to forestry certification process and were encouraged to practice carbon dioxide sequestration, commercial afforestation and tree planting at all levels of practices. 

  • Groups and institutions. Five local cooperative groups and schools as well churches decide to open up their membership for local participation in Natural Resources management in Bwikhonge Nabbongo sub counties. 

Community Awareness and Planning Meetings in November 2014 at Bunangaka COU.

Activity C


In the period under review, a number of print media and publications has been made and largely include; 

  • A total of 200 Project T-shirts in The Society Agro Forestry Project (Budetu Farmers Marketing Cooperative Society  Limited) was developed or procured and distributed to motivate membership, beneficiaries and stakeholders in project Activities. 

  • Brochures. At least 300 pieces of brochures were published and shared by the various stakeholder collaborators and partners in the activities.

  • Periodical Reports. Project reports like this one also include the; 

  • Annual General Report (A mandatory Annual Production) 

  • Annual Audited Report (Mandatory for Accountability to the membership and  other  stakeholders annually) 

  • Reviewed Annual Work Plan 

  • Sharing publications with the various coordination, networking and collaborating institutions. 


Several achievements were scored in the period under review and can be summarized as thus; 

  • Work Aid Tools of UK. The UK charitable organization known as Work Aid International has promised to provide us with variety work and technical education tools. A proposal was submitted in April, 2014 and in July the response was positive till now that The Society awaits for the outcome.

  • Gered Greed Fredrick Tools.  A large grant of more technical Education work and learning tools is expected from Netherlands NGO called Gered Gereed Fredrick. Tools  are available.  A full project proposal was submitted in June, 2014 and the response was very reactive. It is that the process of fundraising, refurbishment and transportation is a long process. Very positive results are expected from the Gered Gereed Fredrick organization as regards The Society request for tools. 

  • Centre for Technical Education. Four main centres for skills development among the youth include 

  • Bukikayi primary school in Bumusaayi village Bubutu sub county Manafwa District Uganda. 

  • Mt. Masaba High School at Namakwekwe Ward Northern Division in Mbale Municipality Mbale District Uganda. 

  • The Society Training Centre at Bunamoni village Bumasokho Parish, Nabbongo sub-county in Bulambuli District, Uganda. 

  • Research Centre, Seeta in Mukono District, Uganda. 

  • Community Education And Farming Skills 

  • 100 piggery units for learning and diversified economic activities established in Bulambuli in the period in focus. 

  • 15 Dairy and Beef goats rearing and multiplication farm units established for learning and other integral activities as cash employment, nutritious food generation, revenue generation among others. 

  • Contour farming education. It is an established on going process being carried out at every household in Nabbongo, Bwikhonge, Bukhalu Muyembe and Bunambutye sub counties later to spread all over Bulambuli District. 

  • Modernization of Agricultural Farming. Skills in practice and theory including field study tours are being carried out to upscale farm production and productivity to eradicate poverty in all forms in Bulambuli District. 

  • FAL; Functional Audit Literacy and Numeracy programmes are on going and wish to identity partners for support. 

  • Climate Change Education : Practical and  non-formal education courses are being run in communities both in institutions and local house levels to mitigate and adapt to climate change at all levels of development. 

  • Linkages. The organization has now established networking linkages with the various education institutions, colleges, schools at all levels the civil service sector, civil society organizations National and International umbrella organizations’ such as FENU, MACIS, UNNF among others. 

  • Conservation Educators. Soil and water management educators have been trained to communicate the local conservation programmes in Nabbongo Sub County Bulambuli District. 


This is a very challenging programme both in approach and implementation. The most visible programmes achieved in the period under focus include; 

  • Food production: Fruit tree variety seedlings provided to several households living with HIV/AIDS to produce and consume or even market nutritious food/fruit for improved sustainable livelihoods in Nabbongo and the surrounding sub counties. 

  • Income Generating Activities. Diversified and improved sources of income improve on the sustainable livelihoods of the PLWHAs and OVCs Arabica coffee growing, fruit variety growing, piggery, dairy and beef goats rearing and multiplication are several examples of the income and cash employment activities provided for the PLWHAS and OVCs of Bulambuli in the period in focus. 

  • HIV/AIDS awareness raising among the sexually active communities especially youth is continually carried. 

  • Counselling & testing.  This is a voluntary exercise but sometimes health units take it as routine testing and counseling (RTC) as opposed to VCT. 

  • Linkages. Various National and International Centres have been linked to and such institutions include; 

UNASO – Uganda Network of AIDS services organization. 

TASO- The Aids Support Services Organization

NAPHANO – National Association of People living with HIV/AIDS. 

DHACS – District HIV/AIDS Networks and committee
WHO- World Health Organization channels and international network.

  • Psychosocial support. Home visiting to observe hygiene, sanitation and socialization to stamp out stigmatization and cause positive behavioral changes for positive living with HIV/AIDS

  • Palliative care. Some material support provided for palliative care to some of the bed ridden patients at their homes. 

  • Policy documents such as a domesticated PLWHAs strategic development plan and policy.


Orphans, vulnerable and other needy children are people aged 0 years to 17 years of aged widely exposed to vulnerable situations some of whom have either lost a parent or parents or not accessing parental care services. The Society has child development centres at:

  • Mukhubu or Zesui headed by Agatha Bukosera

  • Bumusaayi or Bukikayi headed by Michael Wabwire 

  • Buwasyeba in Nabbongo sub county headed by Nambafu Samuel 

The established training centre at Bunamoni village in Bumasokho parish Nabbongo Sub County is meant to care and support OVC. 

A pre-primary school at Day Care Centre, Kindergarten school, Nursery and early primary school to primary three is the immediate plan for the OVC. 

The technical school as outlined in the Article 2 above shall also provide integral development skills to the OVC. 

A fully fledged orphaned centre planned at Bunamoni with the space of land  permitting to construct dormitories, sanitation and hygiene, Health facility recreational play ground and centre for child development. 

Policy document. OVC policy has been domesticated to fit the affairs of the organization strategic sector development plans, child and conflict management structures to manage conflicts and child issues all over. 


The organization has several strong future set plans to achieve for better sustainable implementation of programmes as thus;

  1. Acquire land and establish own premises in Mbale Town in a period of five years. 

  2. Establishment of a Technical Education Centre in Bulambuli district that shall inclusively offer FAL classes modernized agricultural skills including mechanization. 

  3. Massive awareness raising and campaigns among local communities and institutions on;

  1. Climate change mitigation and adaptation. 

  2. Forestry and hunger eradication in all forms. 

  3. HIV/AIDS control and impact mitigations.

  1. Widen and strengthen the networking collaboration, development partnership base at local and international levels. 

  2. Build internal revenue sources and strengthen the existing line development structures of both stakeholders and internal ones for sustainable effective service delivery. 

  3. Empower emancipate the poor local farmers women and youth practice sustainable environment and natural resources management for improved livelihoods at their households. 

  4. Establish rural information centres as referral information management units including library, automated library and computer centres. 

  5. Establishment and utilization of a warehouse in Bulambuli district for storing and processing cereals and grains on value addition towards merchandise.


  • Un-speculated funding capacities and sources to sustain the progress of activities is a challenge. 

  • High poverty and hunger levels among the rural populations are a threatening challenge. 

  • Poor nutritional levels especially among the women and children. 

  • Inadequate environmental Awareness is a big threat to natural resources. 

  • Disparities in gender considerations in resources management and utilization. 

  • Resource constraints especially with notorious limited grants raises a lot of conflicts with beneficiaries who miss first chances such conflicts sometimes end up by failing the projects. 

  • Most farmers are interested in piggery as a faster revenue and food generating project but cannot sustain the exotic breeds. 

  • Prolonged drought is a challenge. 

  • Natural Disasters as landslides, epidemics and floods. 

  • Political interference. In Bulambuli The Society agro forestry project is supplying farmers with Arabica coffee tree seedlings together with other varieties of tree seedlings while all politicians at all levels are supplying Arabica coffee with the aid of UCDA. Politicians are saying they brought The Society agro forestry to support needy and vulnerable communities while truly The Society exists with their approvals. 

  • Pests and disease attacking both cross, livestock and local residents. 

  • UNDP/GEF/SGP bureaucracies and untimely release of funds. It has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that once a project agreement is signed with Grantee recipient, it will yield fruits. 

  • Soil erosion and deforestation continues to strike and deplete the natural resources base and the local environment. 

  • Poor commitment of the local population towards National Resources management either due to ignorance or laziness. 

  • Prioritizing environmental challenges by central and local governments. Governments have very crucial needs other than local environments and natural reserves.

  • Poor and weak network of CSOs managing the natural resources and lack of serious partners committed to Natural Resources Management activities. 


  • Assorted sprays to be utilized to control pests and diseases on both livestock and crops including preventive measures to the respective crops and livestock and as in accordance with the provision of the technical advise and statutory instruments in place. 

  • Protection and guidance of property from being exposed to thieves and engaging most farmers to participate physically in the programmes to dress the vision so that the project is replicated to all those interested in beneficiary ship. 

  • Timely planting to escape the long dry spells coupled with best soil and water conservation measures and other environment management practices could be the best approach to avoid loses through long dry spells. 

  • Shifting the work plans costs to fit in the current market costs and adjusting the budget accordingly to meet the current needs. 

  • Upscale fundraising activities and strengthen financial control strategies to local organization. 

  • Intensification of poverty and hunger eradication at all levels in all forms at households through multi-dimensional approach. 

  • Intensify and diversify food production, preservation and promote best feeding practices among women, elderly and children at all levels. 

  • Enhance environmental Awareness rising to all households, local communities and institutions. 

  • Gender and youth mainstreaming at all levels of environment management. 

  • Upscale, diversity and prioritize the funding partners’ funds to Natural Resources and local environment management practices. 

  • Encourage environmental practitioners, natural resources uses and manages to implement projects that generate Food, Revenue, cash employment and promote herbal and timber products. 

  • Sustainable plans towards drought mitigation to be implemented. 

  • Natural calamities may need revise actions like preparedness, community education and readiness to responses. 

  • Political interference is an avoidable because politicians are instrumental leaders who approve policies. 

  • Pests and disease control mitigation and control plans/measures. 

  • UNDP/GEF/SGP international bureaucracies may not adjust but grantee can adjust their plans and policies towards those of the grantors to harmonize their performance. 

  • Governments declare state of emergency on soil and water conservation because it is crucial that every dwelling person in the country must participate either practically or financially. 

  • Local and central governments enhance and strengthen their local communities towards natural resources management and climate change mitigation and adaptation. 

  • Build capacities of local environment and natural resources management civil society organizations upscale environment management activities.



Name of organization 

Contact person

Email address

Purpose for networking 

Period for networking 

Location for the network 

UNNF Uganda National NGO Forum Kampala

Lobbying advocacy, capacity building, information sharing data bank management 

2013 to-date

Plot 58 Block 254 A H Ggaba road Kajasi 

P.O.BOX 104


DENIVA. Development network of indigenous voluntary Association in Uganda 

Executive secretary



Information sharing experience governance. Human rights exchange visits, study tours NGO directory, technical support, capacity building

2015 to-date

UCSD. Uganda Coalition for sustainable development Kampala 

Mwayafu David Mujasi, National Coordinator

Natural resources management mentoring and coaching information and experience sharing, advocacy and lobbying 

2011 to date

Block 9 plot 490 off Makerere Road Kakube zone P.O.BOX 11224 Kampala 

FENU. Forum for education NGOs in Uganda Kampala office 



Information technology access and quality education gender mainstreaming early childhood education, education emergencies lifelong learning, automated learning 

2008 to date 

Plot 58 Block 254 Agaba road Kasanja 

P.O.BOX 104


MACIS. Malaria childhood illness NGO secretariat based in Kampala and in Bududa 

T.B, Malaria and HIV/AIDS control and management, primary health control measures, health skills development coordination, collaboration and development partnership 

2007 to date

Ntinda secretariat Kampala 

UNASO. Uganda network of AIDS services organization Kampala, Mbale Bulambuli

HIV/AIDS control and mitigation information and experience sharing, project management and skills development 

2011 to date 

BULACINET Bulambuli civil society network 

2014 to date

UCDA. Uganda coffee development authority Mbale Regional officers 

Joseph Welishe Coordinator 

Eastern Uganda


2011 to date

DC Block plot 56-60 Rep. street Mbale 

+256 752500831

PELUM Participatory Ecological Land Use Management Uganda 

Stella Grace Lutalo the  country coordinator 


Tel:  +256 414 533 973

Staff development capacity building, advocacy and lobbying support to local farmers and building alliances in development 

2015 to date 

Plot 155 Kira Road Kamokya P. O. Box 35804 Kampala (U) 

SSFB Slow Food Foundation Biodiversity 

Edward Mukiibi Vice President 

Tel: +256 701 646 821 

Promoting traditional food culture and philosophy at community Households and school Gardens

Studies on soil sciences, food sciences and reversive impacts to climate change 

2015 to date 

Bra, Italy 

CICC Coalition for international criminal court 

Networking International Justice Information and Experience sharing 

2006 to date 

The Hague in Netherlands 

WANGO World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations 

Networking for information advocay and lobbying 

2006 to date 

New york 

GEFCSO Network Global Environmental Facility Civil Society Network 


Website: www.GEFCSO.org

Environment Networking on Global Issues, Advocacy and Lobbying 

2015 to date 

New york 

MCAP/ Pont Uganda 

Pastor Apollo Mwenyi Director 


Tel: +256 782 274 715 

Informational Experience sharing Advocacy and Lobbying 

2015 to date 

Manjanga Road Baptist Church Maluku Mbale 

UNECOSOC United NATIONS Economic Social Civil Society consultations of African Union 

Networking, information and Experience sharing 

2015 to date 

Addis Ababa Ethiopia 



Name of funding partner

Contact person 

Contact person 

Email address of contact person

Purpose of grants/funds

Period of funding 

Amount of funding 

UNDP/GEF/SGP/UNOPS United Nations Development programme, Global Environment facility, small grants programme, united nations office of project services

Hajj Abu baker Wandera 

National Coordinator 

Uganda country office Kampala 

+256 772 353 778


Agro forestry to mitigate climate change at Bumasokho Nabbongo S/C Bulambuli District

2014 to 2016


UNDP/Mbale TACC United Nations development programme /Mbale Territorial approach to climate change 

Ms. Rebecca Nanjala Project manager 

Regional head office Mbale Malukhu

+256 392 840 426

Agro forestry to adapt and mitigate climate change in Bulugere village Mooni parish Bungokho Mutoto Mbale District 


USA$ 5,000

Funded under ALIMS

UNDP/WWF/SENRCAM United Nations Development programme/World wildlife Fund strengthening sustainable national resources and environment management 

Mr. Richard Okepo, Acting Manager WWF Uganda country office for projects Kampala

Agro forestry to mitigate and adapt to climate change in Bushinyekwa Bududa S/C Bududa District 

2013 to 


USA$ 25,000

UCDA Mbale office Uganda coffee development authority Mbale coordination office for Eastern Uganda 

Mr. Joseph Welishe 

Project coordinator UCDA Eastern Region 

+256 752 500 831

Production of Arabica coffee 

Tree seedlings

Supplied to local farmers in Mbale District Uganda 




In kind Support 


STRENGTHS: The Society has a formidable list of strong parts to take note and chief among which include:-

  1. Staffing – sound and highly experienced long serving service in the NGO sector duly motivated, prepared and ready to serve. 

  2. The Society Secretariat: the secretariat is located at the centre of Mbale town, convenient place to reach out Mount Elgon and other environmental areas of concern with a branch office situated at Bunamoni village, Bumasokho parish, Nabbongo sub-county in Bulambuli District, the field office is establish in The Society names and on The Society land. 

  3. Mandatory service, the secretariat provides Natural Resources Management (NRM) services, orphans, vulnerable and other needy children (OVC), HIV/AIDS, mitigation and control services, quality education and integrated skills development services and certainly programme administration in addition to networking, collaboration, coordination and development partnership/capability building and technical assistance. 

  4. Publications; The Society secretariat is able to produce a variety range of publications e.g. brochures, news articles (periodical) to the various news papers, T-Shirts, catalogs, business promotion period early. 

  5. Access to media-BUDTU utilizes both oral and written media especially in production of talk shows, print media such as posters, stickers, reports, calendars, reports, video coverage and film shows among others. 

  6. Video and film coverage. The organization has a video camera to cover scenes and also has films for shows and re-corps/record management. 

  7. Multiplicity of resource persons – the secretariat is located in Mbale town where all forms of resource personals and technology can be accessed without delay. 

  8. Linkages with government of Uganda, the organization is directly linked to the government of Uganda district local government in areas of jurisdiction making it very able to connect without delay to the relevant line ministries and departments. 

  9. Exposure; The Society staff is very widely exposed to the various development partners that can access them to financial support. 


  1. Community majority lack environment education and skills to manage local environment. 

  2. The few segmented environment practitioners may have little or no impact. 


  1. Favrourable government policies that have opened up space for civil society and liberalization of the economy provides a competitive field for development. 

  2. Development partners. Global village now connects the whole world into one unit. Depending on where and when development partners have interest to establish their programmes Uganda is not extended from the international community. 

  3. Demand for development services is very inelastic among the poorest communities and the recipient beneficiaries are willing to benefit at all times. 

  4. Time of need. This is a crucial time of need that poorest communities are realizing and feeling the weight of poverty. 

  5. Climate change and HIV/AIDS scourge, hunger and poverty are now a world concern planned under the UN Sustainable Development Goals exposing vulnerable communities to chances of development partners. 


  • Roaming livestock destroy crop and disorganize the farmers and structures during the long dry spells. 

  • Loaming famine always strikes after the long dry spells. 

  • Landslides and mass waste during heavy rains are a distortions threat  to lives and property. 

  • Outbreaks of epidemics especially cholera, diarrhea during rainy season cause high death tolls or debilitations and morbidity to communities. 

  • Stray fires in the long dry season claims a lot of losses. 

  • Thieves and robbers become more active during times of scarcity 


Our Goal

Sustainable and Self-Reliant Communities in a Healthier Greener Environment.

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Support Local Rural Poorer Communities Generate Wealth and Manage Resources on Sustainable Basis.

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Our Vision

Skilled Wealthier, Sustainable and Self-Reliant Communities in a Healthier Greener Environment.

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Nabwire Florence
Nabwire Florence
Gigayi godfrey
Gigayi godfrey
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